“I have been in business for 38 years, from the commercial tire business to a multi-unit restaurant chain in New Jersey, one of the most competitive market places in the country. During those years I have sold and purchased 7 different commercial businesses and without exception Bielat Santore & Company is the most professional commercial real estate and business broker I have ever had the pleasure of conducting business together.
Most business brokers talk about and promise professional full-service commercial real estate services when they ask to list or find a business. Bielat Santore & Company invented it. They are the gold standard in which all others in their industry are measured against. They perform every aspect a broker should provide, from determining a “real” fair market value for the business, to providing access to financial resources most others have no knowledge of, to dealing with the complicated liquor laws and license transfers of NJ ABC regulations, to dealing with troublesome accountants and lawyers in order to make sure you get the best value for your money whether buying or selling a business. They are the turn-key solution when buying or selling a business. I view them more as a business partner than a business broker over the 25 years of doing business with them.
I very seldom give letters of recommendation to vendors or companies that I conduct business with, as I do not like to share the secrets of my success which allowed me to be the success I am today. However some secrets should not be kept from the world and this is one of them.”